Show which directories have uncommitted changes in git

Thu, Mar 17, 2022

Similar to my last post, when working with many different git repositories in a single directory, I want to quickly see which of the directories have changes which I have not yet comitted. Another small script I made does this and I find it very useful.

First step is to create the alias. I have called it dchanges as in distributed changes command.

git config --global alias.dchanges '!bash ~/scripts/git/'

Next make sure the directory exists.

mkdir -p ~/scripts/git/

Finally add the following to the file ~/scripts/git/

#!/usr/bin/env bash

find "$GIT_PREFIX./" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -path . |
  while read -r line;
  printf "checking %s ..." "$line"
    (cd "$line" && \
      git status | grep -q 'nothing to commit' && printf " no changed detected" || printf " CHANGES DETECTED"

When ran in a directory you get similar output to the below:

~/Development ❯ git dchanges
checking ./preact-sandbox ... CHANGES DETECTED
checking ./ami-customer-website ... no changed detected
checking ./ami-browser ... no changed detected
checking ./blog ... no changed detected
checking ./schmokin ... no changed detected
checking ./rust ... CHANGES DETECTED
checking ./ami-bastion ... no changed detected
checking ./Dapper ... CHANGES DETECTED
checking ./node ... CHANGES DETECTED
checking ./.idea ... CHANGES DETECTED
checking ./aspnetcore ... CHANGES DETECTED